Since it's a snow day and I technically don't have to work, I'm being uber productive with my life... such as catching up on blogs and posting about R&R. Enjoy!
omg his plane is HERE!!!
finally he is home! HOME!!!!
within 5 minutes of walking through the door, he wanted to open his Christmas he did :)
we went to his parent's house...where his gift to me was. He wrapped it really extra special for me...see? (these colors just so happen to be our wedding colors. Coincidence? I don't know!)
first time driving his car and his battery was dead. my car to the rescue! we got him a new battery that night though
he's really really home!
we went to my parent's house and he met Harry. Seth and Harry are BFF's. Seriously. According to Seth, "Harry loves him the mostest!!!" And more than Harry loves me, apparently.
We went on a date night! Went to a tapas bistro in town and had rattlesnake/rabbit sausage, lamb with pesto wrapped in bacon, chicken empanadas, and a few plates of veggies. We also had a chocolate lava dessert and a piece of custard pie with fresh berries. Everything tasted soo good, even the rattlesnake/rabbit sausage!
We found ourselves in this hotel room :)
The next morning, we went shopping at a store in the hotel plaza...and found these amazing rabbit gloves that became SO much fun!!
We went to Clementine's with our families. (This is the restaurant we went to the day we got engaged).
This is the backside of the pier, the side that faces the water. It was covered in many inches of ice!
the rabbit gloves are ridiculous!
thick ice on the pier
rabbit gloves picking my nose...(but they were too big to fit in my nose hole)
sunset at the pier :)
some random photographers were out at the end of the pier and were playing with new lighting equipment. They started snapping photos of us, gave us their business card and then sent us a few. This is my absolute FAVORITE one and I've already enlarged it, now I just have to pick a frame :)
another one they took. my face looks all splotchy because it was soooo cold, but it does show my ring :)
rabbit gloves driving us home!Around this time, we both got sick with the flu. He had a little bit of a cold the day he came home, promptly gave that to me by the end of his first day home and within 3 days, we were both sick with the full flu. We woke up, he said he had a stomach ache, he half puked by the time I left for work, texted me a few times during my half day at work that he had puked more and when I came home from work at noon, he was hugging the toilet and sprawled across the bathroom floor. I felt so bad for him. He looked miserable. :( I went to the store and got him some Pepto and Sprite and came back and we watched a few movies that afternoon. He was determined to go bowling with his dad that night, and luckily, he was feeling better by the evening. We went to his parent's house, found out his mom was sick with the flu too, I had a bad stomachache, so I laid/slept on the couch while he went bowling with his dad. By the time he got home, I had puked. Luckily I made it to the bathroom in time. Even though I still didn't feel too well, we still got up the next day and went here:
happy day :) january 12, 2011
he thought a Double Down from KFC sounded good and would cure him from his flu, so off to KFC we went.
I wasn't brave enough to eat anything but mashed potatoes. First meal in almost 24 hours!
That night, we went to his parents. I don't really know......
the night before our holiday dinner with our family. we made the cake and started defrosting the cornish hens!
our belated holiday dinner for our families. we made cornish hens with homemade stuffing, mashed potatoes, fresh green beans, Guinness Beef Stew, cornbread, some other things I'm forgetting and we made a checkerboard cake!
we went shooting with his brothers and dad...and the rabbit gloves kept me warm
I can shoot this one mostly by myself!
his turn :)
I'm a badass with a pistol!
awww, he loves me!!!
we went to the hot tubs, which we always do at least once while he is home
we went to the tattoo place so he could get a new tattoo...don't worry, he didn't get one of these, but these were in the tattoo books. For real? Do people really get tattoos that say this?? Do you have a Chinese symbol? Might want to make sure it doesn't match one of these...just sayin'.
he got his hair cut and looked all military like!
For their dad's birthday, Seth's brother, Shane, and him their dad a flag box with both of their ribbons and medals. Seth acquired the flag on his first or second deployment to Iraq, sent the flag to Shane during his deployment and it has gone back and forth between them, and the US, Germany, Afghanistan and Iraq for the last few years and multiple deployments. I absolutely LOVE this. I'm pretty sure his dad was about to cry, but was trying really hard not to show it.
What the hell? Leave is already over?? Waiting at the airport :(
He's on that plane. I waited until it was de-iced and was in the air. Then I left, and the plane was flying over me as I headed home. I love you babe. This deployment is almost over and it won't be too long till I see you in Germany!! R&R was the best, and I can't wait till we can be together all the time. LOVE YOU!!!!
It looks like you had a good time while he was home, minus the flu of course. I hope the rest of his deployment flies by and that wedding planning is going spectacular for you!
ReplyDeleteJan 12 is awesome!
ReplyDeleteAaaaw this post made me happy, you look so overjoyed to be together and so in love!! Very sweet!!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you had a blast! Ya'll are so adorable! Can't wait to see more cute pictures when he is home for good :D
ReplyDeleteawww! thanks for posting the pictures! I;m glad you got to spend some quality time with him. :)