Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vagina Monologues

Have you ever seen the Vagina Monologues? If not, I highly recommend it. I went a few years ago with my sister and it was awesome. It's a series of women talking about, well...their vaginas. Some stories were hilarious, some I didn't understand and some were sad (getting raped, for instance). All the stories were empowering though.

I'm going again this year with my sister and I can't wait. She contacted the show coordinator a few weeks ago and asked if she could sell "vajournals" that she's hand embroidered. She came up with this idea all herself. She's been making these vajournals for the last few months (she sold a few to friends in Portland, OR, where she's been living) and has been making a ton for the show. We're going to sell them together and she's going to teach me how to embroider tonight or tomorrow. Tomorrow after work, we're going to a craft store and we're going to make t-shirts advertising the vajournals!!

She's has a big variety of colors now, lots of bright colors for backgrounds too. No two vajournals are the same (like in real life).

Side note about my sister: the first time she met Seth, we had a "tea party." Like, with a real tea set: little bitty cups, a little tea pot, etc. We were having whiskey sours and she had the bright idea for us to drink them in tea party stuff. Seth went with it and drank a lot of them and when we left, he asked me what the hell that was all about. haha Oh fun memories :)

Anyone want one?!?!

(I wonder if I'll lose any readers after this post....)


  1. Oh my gosh... these are hilarious! I've never heard of Vagina Monologues but now I wish I had!

    Thanks for "coming clean" on my blog :) I'm glad to have you, and don't worry... I'm a horrible commenter too! {Gulp!}

    Looks like you gained a reader today! ;)

  2. I have seen Vagina Monolougues but in spanish. At first I was like hhhmmm then I was like haha this is funny.

    Those vajournals look pretty cool.
