Thursday, February 24, 2011


As you can see, I’ve avoided Wedding Wednesday because I’m a slacker. But here’s why:
  1. I’m meeting with Bekah, Laura and my sister tonight to talk about and figure out the flowers!
  2. I just emailed our cake baker our flavors and fillings (which, for your virtual taste buds will be: French vanilla with Bavarian crème, chocolate with red raspberry filling and red velvet with crème cheese!!)
  3. I know the kind of vanilla beans I’m going to order…just waiting for payday tomorrow to order them.
  4. I have blocked out our hotel rooms and the contract is coming to me in the mail.

Which leaves me with:

  1. Attending the flower shop…might be hard to do with my sister because she leaves in less than two weeks and the flower shop has very limited hours.
  2. Figure out the wording on our invitations… I’ll find some samples this weekend and hopefully order those early next week.
  3. Order the vanilla beans and get that started...will be started by the first week in March.
  4. Publish our wedding website on…that’ll be one of my weekend projects!

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