Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wedding Wednesday

Holy crap I didn't even realize it was Wednesday. Well, I knew it was Wednesday, but I was thinking about what I'd write about for Wedding Wednesday's post for tomorrow, but then I realized that tomorrow is actually Thursday and Veteran's Day, and I'll be doing my Veteran's day post today is my wedding post.

Anyyyyyways. I don't have much of an update. I have more addresses gathered and entered, and I'm sicking my dad on the task of re-creating our save the date in Word. I'm not good with measurements and meeting post office measurements for our postcard and my dad likes that crap, so I'm asking him to do it. We'll get that accomplished this weekend, I'll take them to the printer next week, and we'll mail them out after that.

I have a serious love obsession with It's a free wedding website and I have used it sooo much and it's kept my ass on track! It also has a daily countdown...and we have 248 days till our wedding!!

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