- The Big Bang Theory
- Full House (yeah, I still watch it, don't judge me. So what if I'm 26 years old!).
- Survivor
- Good Luck, Charlie on ABCFamily. Again, don't judge me because I watch this. Charlie is cute, what can I say?
- Seth
- Family
- Kids
- Working out
3. Four phrases you say a lot:
- Whoadang
- For real?
- I love you
- F that noise
- Everything happens for a reason (although you may never learn that reason)
- Don't look at a clock - it makes the time go by sooo slow
- Never regret anything - what you said or did at the time was because of feelings you had then
- I have a love hate relationship with surprises
5. Four places you would like to go:
- Back to Germany
- Ireland
- Australia
- Italy
- Worked out
- Went Christmas shopping
- Texted with Seth :)
- Painted my nails
7. Four things you are looking forward to:
- Seeing Seth in a few weeks!!!
- Seeing Seth in a few weeks!!!
- Seeing Seth in a few weeks!!!
- Snow days
- December 29, 2009 :)
- How pretty the snow is
- Snow days
- lmc at 'cause I don't know how it gets better than this
- SLM at Army Dogs
- Erin at Erin's Adventures (she's a real life friend!)
- Andrea at Happy Here

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