March 22, 2011
It's a week and a half before I leave for Germany and I'm getting anxious. I still haven't gotten the paperwork that was sent at the end of January though. That's adding to my anxiousness. I got one letter that he sent, but not the rest of the paperwork. I told my boss the dates I'll be gone today. I was kind of nervous to do that because we have a big on going project and I'm a big part of it, but oh well, they're going to have to deal with out me. I have 10 vacation days and I'm taking 11 off and I told him I didn't care if I had to take a no pay day and I suggested maybe I could take a sick day? My heart will be broken after all. He said I can use a comp day, which I am a-okay with!
I meant to get my luggage from my parent's house the other day but forgot. I have to pack clothes for Seth too. He has lost at least 10 lbs since he's been deployed and he's gone down a size and when he was home for R&R, we bought him new clothes. All his clothes in Germany will be too big, so I have to bring him clothes that fit. I'm excited for this, but this also means less room for me in my suitcase! I need all the room I can get! I'll be there for two weeks and I want to pack 10 pairs of shoes, but I know that's not the smartest idea. I ordered a few tops from and I'm waiting for those to get here. One of them will hopefully be what I wear to the homecoming ceremony. Assuming I get it in time.
In other news, I lost (hid?) my iPod from myself back in December. I hid it when I was going to my parent's house for a few days because after I was robbed in September, I was...still am...paranoid that the robbers will come in and steal my small electronics, which they were looking for. So I hide things like my camera, Kindle, iPod, etc while I'm gone. Well I hid the hell out of my iPod and have yet to find it. I've searched high and low in my bedroom and my car and can't find it. I'm beginning to think I really did lose it because I can't find it at all. I really would like it to use on the 9 hour plane ride to Germany, but I really don't want to spend the money on that. I thought about buying an iPod shuffle for $49.99 (I have $35 in coupons), but I want a touch screen. But for $15 out of my pocket, it would probably really be a good thing to buy. I probably will do it.
Ahhhh Germany, I can't wait to be reunited with you and my lovemuffin!!!!

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