I'm so madly in love with him!!! I will be meeting him tomorrow. A coworker of mine is selling him (her dog was the puppy daddy). I met her girl puppy momma last summer and her babies, and I fell in love with little Mason, one that was in the litter. But I couldn't have him because 1) animals aren't allowed in my apartment complex (unless I get a doctor's note - I seriously considered that) and 2) I didn't know when we'd be moving so my parents would have to babysit him for me for an unknown length of time.
Luckily, her puppy got another girl knocked up and they're selling babies again. Her puppy daddy is kind of a pimp. He's gotten so many girl puppies pregnant and has had so many litters!! And now that I know when we'll be moving (2.5 months-ish!!!) I am dead set on having a puppy. I envision me and Patrick going on long walks, cuddling, eating ice cream together, talking about Seth when he's away, getting pedicures, more cuddling and more long walks. My parents agreed to watch him until we move too!! My dad pretends to dislike him already but I know he'll fall in love with him the second he meets Patrick. It'll be hard for him to give him back to me.
Also, Patrick is not the name that he was given by his current owner. Seth suggested Patrick and I think it's PERFECT for our little guy!!!
This will be the best early birthday present EVER!!!!!!

Isn't he the cutest little thing EVER?!?!?!?

Adorable! And, this post is hilarious. :) Love your blog!