Can I just say I have the best husband and if I knew where
to nominate him as husband of the year, I would?! He is always so full of
surprises. I like to think I usually know when he’s got something planned, but
I was pretty damn clueless this time. However, looking back, there were a few
signs between him and my parents and I didn’t really think too much into them.
Silly me!
So it’s no surprise that I really haven’t made any friends
here (yet). He kept asking me if I was going to have a baby shower here and I
kept telling him I really don’t have friends to have a baby shower with.
Back in February (FEBRUARY!!!!!), he emailed one of my best
friends from home, Molli, and asked if she would want to help plan/coordinate a
surprise baby shower and he would buy me a ticket. Being the super good friend
that she is, she agreed to take on this task! (She started a new job in the
fall and has been insanely busy with that AND she’s planning her own wedding
for July, so I know she’s super busy). I don’t know if it was her or Seth that
got my two other favorite coworkers/friends involved in the planning of this,
but the same girls that threw me the wedding shower last year are now throwing
me a baby shower!! I am soooo excited and literally cry…like right now…when I
think of all of them planning this for me. I get to go home to see all of my
favorite people in about 2 weeks to have a baby shower.
My parents and brother came up last week from CA and my
sister came up from Oregon and spent a few days at our house. We had a bbq with
some family friends and my cousin on Saturday and little did I know, it was
also a little baby shower then too! They both brought gifts, which I wasn’t
expecting. We got a baby bouncy seat (that Patrick just loves!!!!) and a baby
swing (which Patrick sooo doesn’t love!!), some clothes, socks and other little
On Saturday night, we all drove down to Oregon for Easter. I
was adamant on having an Easter egg hunt with my siblings and our significant
others – we colored eggs and stuffed plastic ones with candy. My dad and Seth
hid the eggs and off we went to hunt for them. After they were mostly found,
Seth was patrolling the yard to see if we missed any and he gave me a plastic
one. I figured it had the wrappers of the Cadberry Crème Eggs that I bought
specially for him, and didn’t open it right away because I thought it was
trash. He told me to open it and I saw it was a piece of folded up white paper
and then I figured it was the hotel receipt from the night before. I unfolded
it and it was a plane ticket itinerary to go home to Michigan. I was very
confused because it was for two weeks away and I didn’t know why I was going…I
was seriously clueless. Then he told me that he had been planning a baby shower
with Molli and Sarah’s help and he bought me the plane ticket to go home! Damn
pregnancy hormones, I’m literally bawling right now! I’m so so so excited that
I get to go home and see all these people AND it just so happens to also be a
baby shower for me (us). After the
Easter egg hunt, we went inside and there was another mini-baby shower with
more gifts from my parents, brother and sister, aunt and gramma. And we had
delicious cake that I may have had a few bites too many of.
It was a very good Easter and nothing at all of what I expecting. I'm a very, very lucky girl. :)

Thanks such a fantastic thing for Seth to do! Have fun!