In other house news, we've been having problems with a circuit tripping. I work from home and have to have a good set up for work. Long story short, when the printer is plugged in and turned on, if the upstairs guest bathroom light is turned on, it trips the circuit and kills the power to my office (losing any of my unsaved work!!!) and electricity in the bathroom. I thought I noticed that it happened when I flush the toilet in that bathroom, but toilets aren't connected to the electric, so I thought it was just a weird coincident that it happened twice. Well it happened again yesterday and I am absolutely positive it happened after I flushed the toilet. A guy came out here on Tuesday to look at it and replaced the breaker box, but that didn't fix it. So I'll be calling them again after I do some more testing this weekend. Oy vey.
In GOOD news, tomorrow is a chili cook off for Seth's battalion and I'm making a white chicken chili! My dad made this chili once for a chili cook off at work and he won, so I'm hoping it has winning powers and I win tomorrow. Seth has been getting into making cutting boards and has been making a lot of them for family and selling them to co-workers, and the prizes are his cutting boards. Last I heard, there were 6 entries for the chili cook off and there are prizes for the top 3 chili. I so badly want to win - because I never win ANYTHING!!! - but I can get a custom made cutting board any day of the week! (If you want a custom cutting board, let me know and I'll send you pictures!!!) There is also a silent auction for donated baked goods for a formal that's taking place in August after the deployment is over. I'm baking cookies and also these lemon blueberry cupcakes!!! Oh they look so heavenly!
Tomorrow is the start of spring break and I can't wait. I have a long list of items to accomplish before my parents come up here next week and I'll definitely be using the extra day to do it. I'm so excited for a break from work!!! I hope the weather is decent!

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