We found out the gender of our baby the other day! It’s a…
We have pretty much settled on a name and have been calling
him by his new name all weekend. I’ve also started feeling him move around and
he’s been using my bladder as a trampoline. It’s awesome, yet totally weird,
feeling him move inside of me. It’s surreal really. It feels like popcorn
popping inside my belly. He’s pretty active throughout the day. (He’s actually
moving right now – maybe he can sense me talking about him?!) The movements
aren’t strong enough to wake me up at night though. We were bowling on Saturday
night (one of Seth’s favorite activities) and the baby was moving around. Seth
was excited that the baby seemed to like the noise of the bowling alley.
Which leads me to....
Sunday morning I woke up with a bladder infection. Ever had
one of those?? They SUCK soooo bad. I really didn’t want to go to the ER…last
time I went, it was a 6 hour wait. It was terrible and people in the waiting
room were annoying. Sunday evening, it was getting worse each time I went pee
and it became pretty painful. And I had to go every 5 seconds, but literally it
would be a teaspoon of pee. I called the ER room and asked if there were a ton
of people and about how long a wait would be (apparently, I thought it was like
calling ahead for a reservation at a restaurant) and was disappointed that she
couldn’t give me an answer and all she could say was “it’s been steady.” I
figured a bladder infection would be low on the list of priority things in an
ER room. Eventually, I sucked it up and went to the ER, where I was pleasantly
surprised when I checked in that I would need to go to the Labor and Delivery
ER room because I’m 20 weeks pregnant and if there’s any pain in the ab or
girly part areas, I have to go to that ER room. After getting lost in a creepy,
quiet, dimly lit hospital on a Sunday evening, I found a janitor who pointed me
in the right direction to where I was supposed to go. There wasn’t a wait
whatsoever and I was in a room immediately! Hallelujah! I was feeling the baby
move so I really wasn’t concerned that he was in danger, but I was in pain and
that’s the only reason I went, instead of waiting to go to my regular DR on
Monday morning. I got some meds, got lost in the hospital again on my way out
and then was home at about 8:45 pm. I was only there for about 3 hours and I’m
so thankful that it wasn’t all night long like the last time. Seth was home
though, so I was bored as hell in the hospital by myself. We were in the middle
of making a bunch of cookies for some of his friends that are deployed and I
was making mac and cheese for dinner, using a recipe I was sooo excited for! He
said he would finish the baking and cook dinner while I went to the ER.
i parked here. because i could! and because i knew it'd be dark and late by the time i left
I saw this recipe on pinterest on Saturday morning and we
decided to make them on Sunday. They didn’t turn out nearly as pretty as they
are in the pinterest pic but they are very good. Very rich too. Ours turned out ugly.
proof ours were ugly!
put a little dab of brownie mix on the bottom of the cupcake pan, but clearly
the original picture indicates just put the Oreo on the bottom. We also overfilled them
so they overflowed from the cupcake pan and were really difficult to get out.
Oh well, they tasted good and Seth’s coworkers are enjoying them for a while.
