Patrick left to the west coast on Tuesday. My grandma is long term babysitting him until I get to Washington and we get housing. We had a family photo shoot on Monday:

Seth left yesterday for his long road trip out to Washington. I REALLY wish I was going with him. It’d be a fun road trip together, and we’d be able to experience and explore the new post together. But now he’ll know it all before me. We won’t see each other until late September/early October.
My parents start their move to California on Monday. My dad accepted a job in CA a few days after the wedding, so they’ve been busy packing up their house and getting things in order for a big cross country move. They had less than 2 weeks to pack up a house that they’ve lived at for 14 years and no time to sort through things they need vs what can be donated or thrown away, so they’re packing up everything and will sort it out when they get there. So like every good child, I stored some of my stuff at their house that I’d want back in like 15 years (you know, after I have a house of my own with an abundance of storage, and not moving every few years). I threw out a bunch of stuff, donated a bunch of stuff, and burned a bunch of stuff including my whole 98 Degree memorabilia collection that included a ridiculous amount of magazines, posters, sweat rags from a concert, signed pictures, trading cards, etc. The little bit of stuff I do have at their house, I will be taking to my home and packing it up to take to Washington in a few weeks.
I don’t have a lot of motivation right now…hence this post while at work. I find myself daydreaming about driving across the country with Seth and the next thing I know, I’m looking at our wedding pictures that were taken with my camera, while anxiously awaiting the official pictures from our photographers. I wish I was here, where we went on our little honeymoon, in northern Michigan: