Married life = busy life basically. That's my (lame) excuse for not blogging. It seems we live at Lowes these days. To be clear, we're not home owners, but Seth is all into wood working now and has been buying stuff up the wazoo to support his new hobby.
We went home to Michigan for a week and a half to spend Christmas. We stayed at Seth's parent's house. Ironically, my sister was in Michigan for Christmas too. (This is what my parents get for moving to CA earlier this year. We were going back to MI all along, and, well they up and moved across the country, and our plans stayed the same. Their fault!) This was the first Christmas I didn't spend with my parents. It was different, but a good different. We had a lot of fun in Michigan and I got to see most of my old friends and coworkers. I surprised one of my all time favorite co-workers at work when I showed up to her retirement celebration. She turned around, and saw me and gave me a big hug and her eyes got a little teary eyed and she said, "You came out here all the way for this?!?!" It was really sweet and I got teary eyed too. Working from home, I really miss my coworkers. I've adjusted to working from home and it's not nearly as bad as it was at the beginning of the school year. But I do miss the people interaction. Seth comes home sometimes for lunch, and I always have Patrick to keep me busy. Oh boy does that little dog keep me busy.
It's been a pretty decent start to the new year and we're looking forward to 2012! We have a lot of things planned and it's sure to be a good year. :)
I think I might have a give away coming up, too. My first one, and a company contacted me but I'm still thinking about it.
And on that note, Seth just said to me, "do you want to go to Lowes?" So off to the store we go. We have a fun evening planned of homemade pizza and then baking a checkerboard cake for our friends' daughter's 1st birthday tomorrow.
I'll be back soon! I promise.
(my fingers may or may not have been crossed).

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