- We still don't know if Seth is deploying. Still waiting anxiously.
- I had an insanely productive weekend last weekend. All while Seth was gone on an overnight camping trip. I was proud of myself for all that I got accomplished with a baby.
- I finally got Max's birth announcements, and have them all addressed! (That was one of the many things I accomplished last weekend. Addressing stuff is a time consuming task).
- We went on an awesome hike two weekends ago in the Olympic National Forest. It was about 3.2 miles in and the reward was a beautiful lake, with a campground, and then another 3.2 miles out. We just did the hike in an afternoon (and holy crap was I sore...but I also fell on a rock and bruised my tailbone...but I was sore because I haven't hiked 6 miles in a realllly long time...) On the hike Seth went on this weekend with some friends (it was an extension of the hike we went on the other weekend), they suggested we all go camping...with baby in tow...in two weekends. Camping with an almost 3 month old? In a tent? Where our camp site wouldn't be close enough to our car that, if in the middle of the night, I can't walk back to sleep in that? I'm intrigued by this thought and also scared of it. I haven't committed to it, but I am seriously considering it. I've been thinking of the logistics of camping...like nursing and changing Max in the middle of the night.
- It's been a very long week, and my reward on Saturday will be an afternoon at a day spa with my sister! I can't wait! (it'll also be my first time away from Max for more than 20 minutes.
- On Sunday, we're going to a Mariners baseball game! Should be a fun weekend!
- We might go whale watching in October. I sooooo want to do this!!
- Next Friday will be my last work day. I'm so ready to be done, but I don't want to lose my paycheck (and the fact that I work from home so I still earn money AND I get to be with Max). Best of both worlds, really, even if that means I start working at 4 AM because my baby doesn't sleep during the day!
- Yes, you read that right, he doesn't take a full NAP. He cat naps for 30-40 minutes here and there. When I started working again after maternity leave, I decided in order for me to get my work done, I'd need to get the majority of it done while he sleeps. It's rough getting up at 4 AM but I'm done with my work by 9 AM, and that part is really nice. Depending on what time I go to bed and how the night goes, we sometimes take a nap together in the afternoon.
- I've really been in the mood to bake. Last week was pretty cool (and I contemplated turning on the heater, but couldn't bring myself to do that because it's only September!!) and I just want to BAKE! Pumpkin bread, a cake, chocolate zucchini bread, chocolate chip cookies...you name it, I want to bake it.
- I got a new vacuum! I'm in love with it! It's a Hoover Windtunnel Max! MAX! For my baby! We got it on Tuesday and I had vacuumed over the weekend so I thought it was clean in here. NOPE! I filled that whole thing up. Disgusting. I would have been perfectly content not seeing how how much dog fur it picked up, but I'm glad that I did. I'm going to do a deep clean of the house this weekend. By deep clean, I mean vacuum every single room, crevice and corner. I can't wait!
My favorite little guy ever: